Haydn Thomas

With a passion for serving and sharing the gospel worldwide, I met the Lord at age five, but it wasn’t until December 2022 that my faith truly deepened. This path led me to a powerful moment of encountering the Man in White in Africa. Since then, each step has been a leap of faith, guiding me to new mission fields and creating deeper connections with the people I’ve met along the way.

I believe the Lord opened this door for the internship, making it a crucial part of the calling He has placed on my life. This opportunity allows me to step deeper into His purpose, equipping me with both experience and relationships that are foundational to the work ahead. I’ve embraced a full-time commitment to missions, using my media skills to create more than just content. For me, it’s about sitting at His feet, building relationships, and being a light to those around me—whether on the field or behind the camera. I hope my life stands as a testament to His calling, serving and creating for the Lord as He leads me.

“If I ascend into heaven, You are there; If I make my bed in hell, behold, You are there.” – Psalm 139:8-9

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Short-Term and Career Missionaries serving with AFM have been deputized to raise support on the organization's behalf.  AFM maintains complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds; however, every effort will be made by AFM to honor the preference of each donor.  Per IRS guidelines, refunds can NOT be issued for donations made to Africa Freedom Mission.


Africa Freedom Mission is setup as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) under Bible Studies, Inc (57-0698866). and therefore is approved for accepting charitable donations under its 501(c)3 status.