Kianna Howard

Growing up in a small town in Minnesota, I never thought much about missions or serving in ministry full-time. That all changed, however, the summer before my sophomore year of high school when I felt the Lord so deeply tug on my heart to join my church’s mission trip to Guatemala. Full of faith, childlike wonder, and a heart to serve, I left my youth group that same night with big dreams and an unexplainable confidence that the Lord was making a way for me to go overseas. One week spent away, and I came home with a heart passionately burning for God, His people, and the gospel. Put simply, I encountered and witnessed a love that was so much bigger than I even knew was possible and I was eager to share this love with others. Fast forward a few years, and I found myself serving on trips with the Lord in Africa, the islands of Southeast Asia, and more!

Through all of these experiences, the Lord made a few things clear to me. He has made me with a heart to serve and seek out the lost. I have a deep yearning for the broken-hearted, lonely, and isolated to not only meet Jesus and know His love, but to also truly be set free, tended to, and invited into family. The second is that I have a passion for learning. Whether it is picking up on local languages, getting to know a teammate more, or understanding the new culture I am in, I am always eager to dive in fully. Lastly, the Lord has made it clear to me that He has made me to pioneer, to joyfully have faith and charge ahead, even when I don’t know all the steps. This has not always been easy, but it has been a sweet journey of faith and childlike trust in Him.

As I join AFM for the fall internship, I look forward to partnering with the Lord to serve this ministry and His people with faith and joy! My life was deeply changed in Africa by the Lord and through this ministry, and I feel honored to now have a part in it. Thank you in advance for any prayers or funds you may choose to give to this path the Lord has continued to guide me on.

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Short-Term and Career Missionaries serving with AFM have been deputized to raise support on the organization's behalf.  AFM maintains complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds; however, every effort will be made by AFM to honor the preference of each donor.  Per IRS guidelines, refunds can NOT be issued for donations made to Africa Freedom Mission.


Africa Freedom Mission is setup as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) under Bible Studies, Inc (57-0698866). and therefore is approved for accepting charitable donations under its 501(c)3 status.