Spenser and Gabbie Clapp


Spenser and Gabbie Clapp have been longtime friends and leaders with the Africa Freedom Mission (AFM) family and have served in Africa several times over the past few years. They recently moved to Charleston to be a part of stewarding what the Lord is doing through stateside ministry and across the nations. 

Gabbie is passionate for others to encounter the love and presence of God, and teaching others how to live a life in friendship with Jesus daily. Her heart burns to see others walking in freedom and victory in Jesus. She feels called to walk deeply with others and longs to see broken people restored to the Father, receiving their identity as sons and daughters.

Spenser’s greatest desire is to see Jesus receive His reward through the Bride of Christ (the Church) being prepared for her Bridegroom. He is passionate to see the body of Christ return to how the early church functioned (Acts 2) and preach the simple Gospel!

Both Gabbie and Spenser feel called to be a part of the long-term stewardship of Freedom House International and would love for you to consider partnering with them as they continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus. 

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