Summer Mills

My mom likes to say that my favorite thing to do is whatever I’m doing in that moment. I’d have to agree. It’s hard for me to choose just one hobby, one career path I can see myself going down, one place I can see myself ending up. You’d be hard pressed to find a career or hobby that didn’t interest me at some point in my 22 years of life. But one thing has always captured my heart more than the rest: ministry.

From my very first evangelism focused mission trip my freshman year of high school, the Lord has absolutely captured my heart for His people. Growing up in rural Minnesota didn’t give me much opportunity to see a ton of cultural diversity. That first trip opened my eyes to just how different life could be in other parts of the world, and I instantly fell in love with learning more about people’s lifestyles and sharing the love of Christ with them in a way that would make sense. My testimony is one of feeling rejected, unseen, and insecure, and having to lean on the Lord through that. He has used that to give me compassion for others who feel the same, and eyes that see people the way He does. I took my first trip with AFM to Zambia in 2022, and had the privilege of going back for 8 weeks this past summer. The Lord radically changed my view of myself, and opened my heart to many more aspects of who He is and how I can worship Him. He also opened the door for me to do this internship.

I have spent the past year and a half since graduating asking God “what’s next?” He has made it abundantly clear time and time again that He has had me in a period of waiting. The next thing He had for me was coming if I could patiently wait on Him. I’m glad to say the waiting was worth it, and currently the “what’s next” is this internship with FHI. I am so excited for this opportunity to continue going deeper into who He is and who He says I am! Thank you so much in advance for coming alongside me to support me through prayer and funding. It means the world, and wouldn’t be possible without you!

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Short-Term and Career Missionaries serving with AFM have been deputized to raise support on the organization's behalf.  AFM maintains complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds; however, every effort will be made by AFM to honor the preference of each donor.  Per IRS guidelines, refunds can NOT be issued for donations made to Africa Freedom Mission.


Africa Freedom Mission is setup as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) under Bible Studies, Inc (57-0698866). and therefore is approved for accepting charitable donations under its 501(c)3 status.